Every new motorcyclist is excited to be on the road and to ride. Taking a motorcycle safety course insures the excitement continues. Why a Motorcycle Safety Course is Necessary? A motorcycle…
GREENSBORO, N.C. — The Greensboro Police Department is hosting three free motorcycle skills training sessions this year as part of a program sponsored by the State Highway Patrol. Police say…
Those of you who know me would probably not classify me as a biker chick – though the outfits do have a certain bad-girl appeal to them, I’m not so much a wind-in-my-hair, take-my-life-into-my-hands…
Apr 12 New Braunfels, Texas . The Harleys and Habits Motorcycle Ride Charity Event will be held at Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Church in New Braunfels, Texas on April 12th, 2014.Location:-Sts…
Horror Used in Thailand to Promote Motorcycle Safety - autoevolution
In the past two weeks I completed the course and it was quite fun, though I expected more from it. First of all, the reasons why I took the course: – Successful completion allows you to waive…
If you are going to be riding a motorcycle in Illinois, you are required by law to purchase a minimum amount of motorcycle insurance coverage that will protect you in the event of an Illinois…
Did you know that the the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) now offers an eCourse (On-Line Safety Course) for only $19.95? Neither did I. But this sounds perfect for people who want to know…
On the Road Again (OTRA) Motorcycle School of Stony Brook, NY underwent some big changes this past season. In an effort to offer more services to the riding public and current customers, OTRA…
On Oct. 14, 2014, the State of Michigan approved the, which requires that driver education courses in Michigan include instruction on bicycle and motorcycle awareness and safety. The law was…
If you are an avid biker, then hopefully you will never need a motorcycle accident attorney in Los Angeles – or anywhere else for that matter. But the specificity of Los Angeles is key here…
TEAM Arizona is happy to introduce the addition of the Motorcycle Safety Foundation’s 3-Wheel Basic RiderCourse to its already extensive course offerings. The course will provide owners and prospective…
Courses will cover topics that include riding sober and wearing gear that can help increase visibility. Ride Wise will use Colorado motorcyclists, including some that have been in motorcycle…
Motorcyclists may suffer serious injuries when they are involved in an accident The Oceanside Police Department is cracking down on unsafe motorcycle riding practices, through a special crackdown…
Keep Motorcyclists Off Of The Endangered List – ‘ Share the Road’ Campaign Highlights Mutual Safety Responsibilities of all Highway Users (Conyers, GA) – In recognition of May as National Motorcycle…
Motorcycle accidents are common but often avoidable with the right training and precautions. Where do you find out more? The Motorcycle Safety Foundation, of course. Located at, you can now do…
Bill Maxwell Installation Safety Office U.S. Army Garrison-Hawaii There are two critical differences between cars and motorcycles. First, cars don’t fall over. Motorcycles, on the other hand…
Don t Miss Stories on Motorcycle.com From a Total Control Training press release: Total Control Training, Inc. (TCTI) was recently awarded the contract for America’s most prestigious motorcycle-training…
Just when we’re getting cabin fever here in the Northeast, along comes the International Motorcycle Show (January 21/22/23) to get us ready for Spring. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been riding…
Press release submitted by Illinois State University Free motorcycle safety courses are being offered at a variety of locations throughout Central Illinois this summer and fall through the Motorcycle…
Safety Publications & Do-It-Yourself Curriculum Do you have anything I can read about motorcycle safety? Visit the Library page and review these three booklets listed under the Safety…
It’s unbelievable that only 10% of motorcycle riders have formal training on the proper riding and usage of motor cycles. Most accidents in the United States have been caused by improper training…
The number of motorcycle fatalities in Massachusetts and throughout the United States is cause for great concern. While fatalities for all other categories of accidents have declined over the…
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